Welcome, my name is Stephany Gutierrez, I am in the 8th game grade and currently attending Mendez Fundamental. I love to bake its something that relaxes me and that is enjoyable.
As of now, I have researched more about boarding schools and which schools fit my criteria the most.I have gotten both my SSAT and ISEE scores back I am happy with both of my scores but I know I could have done better when it came to studing.I need to continue working on reading 45 minutes ecah day and also continue to sleep earlierduring the week.
PLG Check-in and MAP data Report - February 2017
It terms of my mid-term goals I have accomplished my goals.I do wish I would have been personal with my goals and made them more difficult to achieve. Academically,I did grow my overall MAP score did increase like it was meant to do.In the spring I do wish my score will increase to reach an even higher score.